CJC - Oljefiltrering


En effektiv forsikring mot driftsforstyrrelser.

Oljefilmen mellom de bevegelige kritiske delene i gearoljesystemet har omtrent samme størrelse som 90% av partiklene som genereres av operasjonen. Disse partiklene forårsaker stor slitasje, og det er vanlig å se oljeskift hver 3. til 4. måned, og fullstendig overhaling hver 9. til 12. måned.

Montering av et CJC® oljefilter vil ha stor innvirkning på driften og påliteligheten til girkasser. Et CJC® filter kan tilpasses alle girsystemer uavhengig av oljetype og -mengde.

Når du installerer en CJC® oljefilterløsning på gearoljesystemer får du et oljefilter med smusskapasitet tilpasset de planlagte serviceintervallene.

CJC - Oljefiltrering


Under finner du eksempler på produkter for filtrering av gearolje, ta kontakt så finner vi riktig løsning for ditt behov. 

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HDU 15/25 Fine filter

HDU 15/25 Fine filter

HDU 15/25 is a fine filter for offline oil filtration in hydraulic power transmission, lubrication, cooling, and small quench-oil systems.

The filter is a 3-micron absolute filter with a high dirt-holding capacity and a cellulose-based filter insert that removes particles, retains oil degradation products (oxidation, resin/sludge, varnish), and absorbs dissolved/emulsified and free water from oil.


HDU 27/- Fine Filter

HDU 27/-  is a fine filter for offline oil filtration for medium to large hydraulic power transmissions, lubrication, cooling and quenching systems

The HDU 27/- series is available in sizes 27/27, 27/54, 27/81 and 27/108, using 1-4 CJC® Filter Inserts fitted in the same filter housing.

CJC® Oil Maintenance Systems are available in a range of design configurations including pre-heaters, drip pans, tanks, control boxes, coalescers.


Desorber D5 combi unit Desorber/fine filter

Desorber D5 combi

Water, salt and particle removal from lube oils, emulsified oils and EALs.

The CJC® Desorber D5 with integrated particle filter is applied on oil systems where there is a risk of water contamination. The unit removes both water and solid particles from a wide range of lubricants including emulsified oils and EAL’s (Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants) / biodegradable lubricants in applications such as:


CJC Desorber D10 Desorber

CJC® Desorber D10 

Water in oil leads to reduced viscosity, reduced filterability, reduced lubricity, formation of rust, bacterial growth and increased oil oxidation - all factors that lead to reduced lifetime of both components and oil.

The compact CJC® Desorber D10 is designed to remove water from oil through the patented desorption principle. The desorption process is based on the principle that heated air can effectively hold large quantities of water. In the Desorber, oil preheated to 60°C  is met by a counter flow of cold, dry air. The air, heated very quickly by the hot oil, will absorb any water present until saturation is reached.

CJC desorber D10 combi Desorber/HDU

CJC® Desorber D10 Combi Unit

Desorber D10, a combined product used for maintenance of oils. The unit removes large amounts of water, salt and particles from a wide range of lubricants including emulsified oils, synthetic bio oils and EAL’s (Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants) / biodegradable fluids and lubricants in applications such as: