PTU for dieselfiltrering
CJC - Oljefiltrering

PTU for dieselfiltrering

CJC® filterseparator (PTU) er et offline filter som kombinerer finfiltrering og vannseparasjon i en komplett enhet.

Det er en ideell løsning for filtrering av diesel hvor vann fra kondens eller forurensning er et konstant og tilbakevendende problem.

CJC® filterseparatorer fjerner vann ved koalesens mens partikler og oljenedbrytningsprodukter som harpiks, slam og oksidasjonsrester filtreres i CJC® finfilter.  CJC® sine patentert innsatser filtrerer 3 mikron absolutt og har meget høy kapasitet for smussoppbevaring.




I kombinasjon med effektiv og kontinuerlig vannfjerning fra oljen gir dette en lang rekke fordeler, herav redusert vedlikehold, økt produktivitet og maksimal levetid for systemkomponenter og olje.


CJC - Oljefiltrering

Diesel - PTU

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PTU 15/25 Diesel Filter separator

PTU 15/25 Filter separator is equipped with manual water discharger.

It is available in a range of design configurations including preheaters, drip pans, and control boxes. The pressure drop can be monitored on a pressure gauge on top of the filter. 

The PTU 15/25 removes water, particles, and oil degradation products (oxidation, resin/sludge, varnish).

PTU2 27/27 Diesel Filter Separator

PTU2 27/27 Diesel is an off-line oil filtration system, combining continuous water separation with oil filtration. 

PTU2 27/27 Filter Separators are available with either automatic or manual water discharge. Filter Separators with automatic water discharge have a control box for monitoring as standard. Pressure drops can be monitored on a pressure gauge on top of the filter. They are also equipped with electric pressure guards.

They are available in a range of design configurations including preheaters, drip pans, tanks, and control boxes.

PTU1 27/- Filter Separator

PTU1 27/- is an off-line oil filtration system, combining continuous water separation with oil filtration.

They are used for diesel oils and gas oils to remove water, particles, and oil degradation products (oxidation, resin/sludge, varnish).

PTU1 27/- Filter Separators are available in sizes 27/54, 27/81 and 27/108, using 2, 3, or 4 CJC® Filter Inserts fitted in the same filter housing. They are available in a range of design configurations including preheaters, drip pans, tanks, and control boxes.

PTU3 27/- Filter Separator

PTU3 27/- is an off-line oil filtration system, combining continuous water separation with oil filtration.

It is used for hydraulic oils, turbine lubrication oils and gear oils, removing water, particles, and oil degradation products (oxidation, resin/sludge, varnish).

The PTU3 27/- series come in the sizes 27/54, 27/81 and 27/108 using 2, 3, or 4 CJC® Filter Inserts, plus 1 CJC® Separator Element. They are available in a range of design configurations including preheaters, drip pans, tanks, and control boxes.

PTU3 Multistay Filter Separator

The PTU3 Multistay series is an off-line oil filtration system with 2, 3 or more PTU3 27/- Filter Separators mounted on a common drain tank base.

They are used for large-volume fluid systems where water ingress is a recurrent problem, e.g., turbine lubrication systems in power generation plants, on paper machine lubrication systems, in steel mills and in mining systems. The Filter Separators removes water, particles, and oil degradation products (oxidation, resin/sludge, varnish).